January 23-24th Hackathon!

okTurtles Forums Group Income January 23-24th Hackathon!

This topic contains 8 replies, has 2 voices, and was last updated by  greg 8 years, 8 months ago.

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    A few of us are getting together to hack on a useful prototype of Group Income!  ;D

    If you have coding or accounting or algorithms skillz and would like to join us, post in this thread and/or send me a PM! We'll invite you to a chat channel to come remotely hack with us! 😀

    Hackathon times:

    Saturday: 5pm Pacific Time – till we call it a night
    Sunday: 12pm Pacific Time – till we call it a night


    i could probably join sometime sunday evening, though i don't really have any of the skills you list (i've started a few social enterprises, so i guess i'm an ok bookkeeper..)

    mostly i'm interested in the structure, how currency is created and how its value is communicated to users and nonusers.

    happy to help however i can (what will you be using, slack?), but if asking lots of questions would get in the way of a prototype getting done, i can save it for another forum.

    thanks for the work you do!



    i could probably join sometime sunday evening, though i don't really have any of the skills you list (i've started a few social enterprises, so i guess i'm an ok bookkeeper..)

    Sure! We'd be happy to have you join us on Sunday. 🙂

    mostly i'm interested in the structure, how currency is created and how its value is communicated to users and nonusers.

    Group Income (GI) does not create a currency (that would be the domain of Group Currency), but rather it uses existing currencies, and then it routes income streams into a group such that all group members receive a minimum amount of income each month in a fair manner.

    The ideal vision we have for GI does this routing instantly and automatically, and this hackathon is about creating a simple prototype that does it in monthly installments (while having payments be manually done by group members). We're creating this prototype just so that real groups can begin using it without having to wait for us to creating something more fancy and automatic.

    You can see our vision of what Group Income will look like (and how it will behave) here (and you can watch a talk about it here).

    happy to help however i can (what will you be using, slack?), but if asking lots of questions would get in the way of a prototype getting done, i can save it for another forum.

    I think we might setup a public Gitter for this (and keep it going after the hackathon). We have a Slack too, but that is more for folks who are looking to get their hands and feet dirty (adding code, helping us put together the crowd fund, etc.), and if that sounds like you then we'll be happy to send you an invite. 🙂

    So one of the things that I will be doing today is adding a link to a Gitter chat channel for this repo: https://github.com/okTurtles/group-income

    I'll post a note here when that's up. 🙂

    thanks for the work you do!

    And thank you for your interest in Group Income! 😀



    Just created the Gitter public chatroom: https://gitter.im/okTurtles/group-income



    Posted some of our accomplishments this weekend to the Gitter channel. Hopefully I will get a chance to blog about this weekend. 🙂


    Hi, thanks for those answers. I posted here without really exploring the details on GI specifically, just initially assumed it had a blockchain component because of your involvement — my bad on that one!

    Good luck getting it moving! Can't go wrong with Aaron and Tibet 🙂



    Hi, thanks for those answers. I posted here without really exploring the details on GI specifically, just initially assumed it had a blockchain component because of your involvement — my bad on that one!

    Oh, it certainly does have a blockchain component, you were right to assume that part. Just not the first “Simple Edition” of Group Income that we're going to use for a pilot study. 🙂

    Good luck getting it moving! Can't go wrong with Aaron and Tibet 🙂

    I completely agree! They're both great fellows!


    Sorry, I should have been more specific; I haphazardly assumed that it was not just blockchain-based, but one that would be used as a social currency in and of itself, rather than denominating things in dollars (or, perhaps even, as is the case with timebanks/LETS/etc, anything directly dollar-convertible). There! Clarity! Cheers.


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