DNS attack mitigation

okTurtles Forums DNSChain DNS attack mitigation

This topic contains 2 replies, has 1 voice, and was last updated by  greg 10 years, 4 months ago.

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    Update: TLDR use DNSChain with PowerDNS or Unbound!

    We recommend combining DNSChain with PowerDNS 3.6+. Have PowerDNS listen on port 53 and forward .bit and .dns (and any other DNSChain-related queries) to DNSChain.

    You'll have to have something like the following (possibly with other changes) in /etc/powerdns/recursor.conf


    Of course in /etc/dnschain/dnschain.conf you'll need to tell DNSChain to listen on the appropriate ports:

    oldDNS.address =
    oldDNS.port = 53

    And you might need to fiddle with any firewall settings as necessary. We're considering making a more complete guide, but feel free to post your experiences in this forum!


    Copied from: http://mailman.powerdns.com/pipermail/pdns-users/2014-May/010658.html

    Hi list!

    # Background

    I am actively developing a NodeJS blockchain-based DNS resolver called DNSChain (which I've recently combined to work with a locally running instance of PowerDNS recursor).

    While running DNSChain on its own I noticed that my logs suddenly started showing a large volume of timeouts happening in what was clearly some sort of attack. I temporarily enabled logging of IP addresses (for timeouts only) to see if I could figure out what was going on.

    # Attack Details

    Here you can see an anonymized excerpt from that log. IPs have been changed but the mapping is consistent to show the pattern:


    Some notes from that:

    The first 3 octets were anonymized while the last octet was left intact.
    It's clear there was mainly one target in that attack, what I've labelled the “666.666.666” block
    They are using randomized subdomains to avoid cached queries
    They include other IPs among those attacked (probably random) to try and disguise the attack, but the main focus is on 3 IPs in the “devil's block” ;-).

    # PDNS 3.5.3 log

    I decided to pair up DNSChain with PowerDNS recursor thinking that maybe since it has been in development for a long time now that it more effectively deal with this problem, however, it seems that it's only marginally doing so.

    Here's the log:

    May 31 14:58:38 pdns_recursor[666]: stats: 526156 questions, 33494 cache entries, 7006 negative entries, 2% cache hits
    May 31 14:58:38 pdns_recursor[666]: stats: throttle map: 1369, ns speeds: 6
    May 31 14:58:38 pdns_recursor[666]: stats: outpacket/query ratio 126%, 0% throttled, 0 no-delegation drops
    May 31 14:58:38 pdns_recursor[666]: stats: 25 outgoing tcp connections, 19 queries running, 561421 outgoing timeouts
    May 31 14:58:38 pdns_recursor[666]: stats: 253422 packet cache entries, 25% packet cache hits
    May 31 14:58:38 pdns_recursor[666]: stats: 11 qps (average over 1956 seconds)
    May 31 15:01:09 pdns_recursor[666]: [411B blob data]
    May 31 15:01:14 pdns_recursor[666]: [411B blob data]
    May 31 15:01:19 pdns_recursor[666]: [411B blob data]
    May 31 15:05:52 pdns_recursor[666]: [411B blob data]
    May 31 15:05:56 pdns_recursor[666]: [411B blob data]
    May 31 15:06:01 pdns_recursor[666]: [411B blob data]
    May 31 15:10:36 pdns_recursor[666]: [411B blob data]
    May 31 15:10:41 pdns_recursor[666]: [411B blob data]


    • 0% throttled
    • 2% cache hits
    • WTF is “[411B blob data]”? That's only started happened recently after it's been running for a while. It did not show this for the first hour of running.

    # Questions

    I'm currently running PowerDNS recursor 3.5.3-1 on Debian, because that is the most recent version available.

    ## Question 1

    I saw that RC1 of 3.6 was released somewhere: http://mailman.powerdns.com/pipermail/pdns-users/2014-May/010657.html

    But it's not available for Debian. How to install for Debian “correctly” when I've already installed the Debian package?

    ## Question 2

    Does 3.6 mitigate this attack by itself?

    ## Question 3

    See WTF is “[411B blob data]”? above.

    # Solution

    The IPs obviously cannot be relied on for much of anything. Instead we can rely on the following:

    The fact that we're getting thousands of timeouts for a particular domain
    The fact that a single domain is having hundreds/thousands of its subdomains being enumerated

    Therefore this can be fairly trivially detected.

    I'd prefer for PDNS recursor to do the detecting and mitigating itself, but I want a solution ASAP and don't want to wait, so if it doesn't already have an answer, then maybe a simple Lua script can be made to mitigate this.

    The algorithm can be as simple as:

    1. Is a domain having its subdomains enumerated recently? (100+ subdomains within say the past 30 minutes)
    2. (Optional) are they returning timeouts too?

    If so, silently drop the packets, give no response.


    Can this be done with 3.5.3? What would the Lua code look like? (Sorry, I'm new to PDNS).


    Greg Slepak

    P.S. This email was not proof-read because I'm short on time. Sorry for inevitable typos and grammar mistakes!



    Looks like this particular attack might've be fixed in PowerDNS 3.6RC1, not completely sure yet though (still trying to find their blasted GPG key as 3.6 hasn't been released yet but is available as a .deb via their site):




    Finally got confirmation of their full fingerprint:

    FBAE 0323 821C 7706 A5CA 151B DCF5 13FA 7EED 19F3

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