Well, that is one type of app that's possible, but it would be different from Group Income (GI). GI is a specific algorithm that does two primary things:
1. It tries to ensure a minimum amount for everyone.
2. In assuring a minimum amount, it does its best to maximize fairness.
The idea of pooling together money and dividing it evenly is different. There is no notion in that of “ensuring a minimum amount”, and the amount that gets distributed to people can go well over that minimum amount, so contributors can end up feeling unfairly taken advantage of.
We met up at the SF Basic Income meetup yesterday and decided that we're going to write up a very simple version of GI that people can run manually, and then we'll find some groups that are willing to try it for a few months to see how it goes. We can use the feedback from these groups to perfect the algorithm.
If that's something you'd be interested in helping out with, let me know! 🙂